Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. You are cordially welcome to the Women’s Foundation web page. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions pertaining this ministry.Pastor Ruth AdewoyeArea Coordinator, MFM Area 5 Women Foundation.
Our Vision
Knowing God's word
Filled with God's Spirit
Loving God's people
Doing God's will
To bring women together in the spirit of unity, cooperation and love that would make them good ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ.
To train, develop and produce Holy Spirit filled women for positions of leadership in both MFM and the society at large.
To teach women how to handle marital problems in godly manner.
To allow women operate within the spiritual framework of their callings and to help develop their God given potentials.
To train women to become prayer eagles.
To create an avenue where general feminine matters can be discussed and addressed.
To groom and train women to become total women in all ramifications so they can be relevant to both the society and the church in this 21st century.
To have a voice for sisters in the ministry.
To help the less privileged in making a living by helping to arrange teaching them skills that could be commercialized to arrest poverty.
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